Digital storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. It is the idea of combining the art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia, including graphics, audio, video, and Web publishing. This is an interesting alternative to telling a narrative, giving the storyteller a bigger for range for creativity and interactivity.
In John’s lecture, he explained some useful attributes of digital narratives:
- Challenges the boundaries of traditional narratives
- Blurs the role of the author and reader
- Attacks the authority of the addresser
- Questions the passivity of the addressee
- Emphasises collaboration
- Associative linking – digital and web communication allows instantaneous linking between documents.
- Non-linear and non-hierarchical structures
- Users can have multiple roles – consumers as well as contributors
- Multimedia, interactive and dynamic
My campaign video could possibly be in the style of a digital narrative, having people tell their stories of living with a mental health disorder.
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