Interesting ways of revealing text:
1. From Eran’s tutorial I learnt an interesting technique of revealing text using the shape and mask tools. One section of the animation video included the sentence: 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14, and 70% by age 24.
In After Effects I used the shape and mask tools to write out number 5 and then made it switch it to write out number 7. The final animation looked like this:
2. Eran showed another clever technique to reveal text using the ‘create mask from text’ tool. This meant you could use the stroke tool to make the text mask appear as it written on screen, and then using the alpha inverted track matte, it appeared in a creative way like so:
Making a banner flow:
Another technique I learnt was making a banner flow on and off screen. To do this I created a banner on After Effects using the shape and text tools:
Then using the Bazier Warp effect I was able to manipulate the content into a banner style, and when I moved the position of it, the style moved with it too:
The final output looks like this: